Not driving a Mazda? Didn’t purchase your vehicle at Holiday? Not a problem. We work on every make and model. It doesn’t matter to us if you’re driving an import or domestic, we’re here to fix your vehicle.
Looking for a fast, free estimate? Our trained technicians will let you know what the extent of the damage is as soon as they can. Our shop is an I-Car Gold Class trained facility, which carries the reputation for being one of the best training programs available. Our technicians never stop their education. They’re still keeping up to date on the latest and most cost-effective repair and refinishing techniques, including things like incorporating ultrasound technology for unibody and frame alignment.
At Holiday Mazda, we do what we can to lower our carbon footprint, without having it affect your final bill. One such change was our switch to a new, high-quality paint process with DuPont Cromax products. This line of paint is water-based, which lessens its environmental impact. We believe taking care of Mother Earth is part of being a good neighbor to our wonderful community. Our investment in this new, greener paint process is just one of the many ways that we at Holiday Mazda are looking out for our customers’ future.
Our shop is conveniently located at 1180 Industrial Pkwy, Fond du Lac, WI 54937. Feel free to contact us by Phone or Email. Otherwise, you can also stop by in person to talk to one of our qualified technicians!